Antje Rauwerda is a Professor of British and Postcolonial Literatures. She was raised in Canada, Singapore, Texas, and the UK; during her college years she alternated between Vancouver (B.A. in international relations from University of British Columbia, B.A. in English from University of Victoria) and Ghana where her parents were living at the time. She earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in English from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and worked at St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia before coming to Goucher. Antje teaches contemporary international novels, postcolonial theory, freshman writing, travel writing, British and early British literature, and other international works. Her recent academic work has been on third culture literature (the literature produced by authors who grew up as expats rather than in their home nation). She has a book and four articles published on the topic. Additionally, Antje published a novel about Baltimore: Slow Time.
Currently working on: The cognitive science of creative reading and revisions to a second novel.
The Writer and the Overseas Childhood: The Third Culture Literature of Kingsolver, McEwan and Others. (Monograph) July 2012, McFarland & Co.
Slow Time. spuyten duyvil, 2024.
Antje Rauwerda has created a Baltimore neighborhood inhabited by an unlikely network of relations so far reaching in time and place that, by the end, readers, too, will come to regard themselves as kin. How could we not, when the land is speaking tenderly and urgently about how we all might extend our consciousness? A technically form-shattering work.
2023 “Displaced Selves and the Dogs at the Hearth: Dislocation and Belonging in Michael Ondaatje’s Poetry.” (2022) in Michael Ondaatje (ed. Robert Lecker). McGill UP.
2021 “‘Third Culture Kids’: Detachment, Adolescence and Yann Martel’s Self.” Transnational Literature. 13 (October, 2021) With “Third Culture Kids and Privilege” (Same issue, in “Conversations” section)
2020 “Nadiya Hussain’s Bake Me A Story Children’s Cookbooks and British Islam.” In Roxanne Harde and Janet Wesslius eds.. Literary Cookbooks. New York: Routledge, 2020: 27-40.
2016 “Third Culture Time and Place: Michael Ondaatje’s The Cat’s Table.” Mosaic3 (Sep. 2016): 39-53.
“Katniss, Military Bratness: Military Culture in Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games” Children’s Literature 44 (2016): 172-191.
2009 “Not Your Typical ‘Diaspora” or ‘Third World Cosmopolitan’: Third Culture Literature.” 25. 3 (September 2010): 16-23.
2008 “Exile Encampments: Whiteness in Alexandra Fuller’s Scribbling the Cat: Travels with an African Soldier.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 44.2 (2009): 51-64.
2007 “White Man Burnt Black: Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient.” In-Between: Essays and Studies in Literary Criticism (2005) 14.1: 13-24.
“Whitewashing Drum Magazine (1951-1959): Advertising Race and Gender.” Continuum (September 2007) 21.3: 393-404.
2006 “Multinationality and Layers of Mouse in Peter Carey’s The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith.” Antipodes (December 2006): 117-127.
2005 “‘Angelicdevilish’ Combinations: Milton’s Satan and Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses.” The Journal of Postcolonial Writing 41.1 (May 2005): 94-107.
“White Whipping Boy: Simon in Keri Hulme's The Bone People.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 2 (June 2005): 23-42.
2003 “East, West: Rushdie Writes Home.” South Asian Review 2 (2003): 133-148.
2001 “Naming, Agency and ‘a tissue of falsehoods’ in The History of Mary Prince.” Victorian Literature and Culture (2001): 397-411.
1998 “Upsetting an Already Unquiet Bed: Contextualizing Dorothy Livesay’s ‘Zambia’.” Canadian Poetry 43 (Fall/Winter 1998): 103-125.
2021 “ ‘TCK’ and the Literary World.” FIGT online webinar. June 4, 2021.
“Do We Need Third Culture Nationalism?” Transnational Literature and Writing Conference: Follow the Sun, 28th-30th January 2021. (Virtual)
2020 “How A. Igoni Barrett’s Blackass responds to Franz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks.” British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference (BCPS). Savannah, Georgia, Feb 21-22, 2020
2019 “Singapore, London, New York: Crazy Rich English and the How the Empire Talks" British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference (BCPS). Savannah, Georgia. Feb 15-17, 2019.
2017 “Cloud Theory: Third Culture Dislocation as an Unrooted Identity.” Postcolonial Studies Association, London, England. September 18-20, 2017.
“Midnight’s Children Vs. The English Patient: Time Vs. Place.” British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference (BCPS). Savannah, Georgia. Feb 17-18, 2017.
2016 “Multiple Points of View as a Product of Multiple Identities: DBC Pierre’s Ludmila’s Broken English as Third Culture Literature.” British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference (BCPS). Savannah, Georgia. Feb 26-27, 2016
2015 “Many Selves at Once in Third Culture Literature.” Families in Global Transition (FIGT), Tyson’s Corner VA, March 6-8, 2015.
2013 “Only at Home in Fiction: Reading Michael Ondaatje’s Novels as Third Culture Literature.” CoHaB. Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging. Muenster University, September, 2013.
“Michael Ondaatje’s The Cat’s Table, Visual Images and Third Culture Kids.” Canadian Association of Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies (CACLALS). University of Victoria, June 2013.
“Time, Place and Third Culture Memory: Novels that Address Jumbled TCK Experience.” Families in Global Transition (FIGT). Washington DC, March, 2013.
2010 “Naughty Gods, Naked Devils: John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses.” Southwest /Texas Popular and American Culture Association Regional Meeting. Albuquerque, NM, Feb 2010.
2008 “Neither Postcolonial or Cosmopolitan: The Life of Pi, The Flame Garden and ‘Third Culture Kid’ Crises of National Faith.” Canadian Association of Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies (CACLALS). University of British Columbia, June 2008
2007 “It feels like I dreamt it: Fiction, Global Nomads and Memories of Home.” Families in Global Transition (FIGT). Houston, March .
2006 “The Proliferation of Home: Alexandra Fuller’s Scribbling the Cat.” Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE). York, May.
“Home’s Out from Under Me: Chris Abani’s ” Canadian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (CACLALS). York, May.
“Home’s Out from Under Me: Displacement as an in situ” American Cultural Studies Association (ASCA). George Mason, April.
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